man in the high castle what happened to italy

Attending Needed - Excessive Historical Data
This particular article based on a real world subject or individual is needlessly excessive, and may also not accurately reverberate the subject area matter within the context of the serial itself. Consider removing all information not directly linked to the series events. At the very least, a reasonable amount of important additional details can be migrated to the "Notes & Trivia" section.

The Greater Nazi Reich, as well known as Greater Germanic Reich (German language: Großdeutsches Reich) or the "Greater National Socialist Reich", is one of the two major world powers in The Human being in the High Castle, the other being the Japanese Empire. With its capital in Berlin, the German Reich dominates the entirety of the European and African continents, and also controls the majority of what was once the United states in the class of Nazi America. The Nazi Empire is presented as the more powerful and technologically advanced of the two superpowers, and is in a state of détente with the Japanese.


  • 1 History
  • 2 Overview
    • Territory
    • two.2 Flags and Emblems
    • 2.3 Politics and Policies
    • 2.4 Economics and Technology
  • 3 Notes & Trivia
    • 3.1 Divergences with Our World


In September 19, 1919, Adolf Hitler, a World War one veteran, joined a pocket-sized party at a beer hall in Munich, Deutschland. National Socialist High german Workers' Party (German: Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, abbreviated NSDAP), or after on Nazi Party.

Hitler based the Nazi platform on reversing the Treaty of Versailles, restrengthening the nation, and on a stab-in-the-dorsum (Dolchstoßlegende) notion that the High german military did not "lose" the war but was rather betrayed at a critical moment by traitorous civilians (Communists, Jews), thereby causing the state of war endeavor to fail. These policies proved popular among those embittered by the Treaty. The Great Depression immune the political party's popularity to abound even faster as impoverished Germans flocked to Hitler's banner. The Nazi Party grew steadily until it became the largest political entity in the Weimar Commonwealth in 1933.

Having more seats than any other political party in the Reichstag (the legislative body of the Republic) Adolf Hitler was appointed Chancellor (Reichskanzler) in January xxx, 1933. The NSDAP quickly moved to silence all opposition to its power by passing the Enabling Human action of 1933. This human activity spelled the end of the Weimar Republic past granting Chancellor Hitler emergency powers, abolishing all other political parties, and stripping away almost all powers of the Reichstag. In 1934, afterwards the decease of President Hindenburg (who was all but a figurehead at this point) Hitler merged the offices of Reichspräsident with his ain into a new one: Führer und Reichskanzler, more commonly referred to as Der Führer (The Leader). In this new government, Hitler wielded absolute power and High german bureaucracy became a collection of factions "working towards the Führer": Hitler issued vague instructions on many policies and expected his subordinates to work the details out on their own.

In the mist of the Great Depression, the Nazis restored economical stability and ended mass unemployment with massive military spending and all-encompassing public work projects, such as the continued construction of the Autobahn (high speed highways). These acts additional the regime'south popularity. Driven past a desire to avenge the punishments of the Commencement Earth War and its hated Treaty of Versailles, Nazi Federal republic of germany made increasingly ambitious military actions (much to the dismay of many of the German language armed services high command). First, in 1935, the state reintroduced mass conscription, and in 1936 information technology moved to occupy the Rhineland region (a demilitarized zone); both actions constituted straight violations of the Treaty. Then, in 1938, information technology annexed Austria (the 'Anschluss') and through the Munich Agreement, the Sudetenland as well, a German-speaking region in Czechoslovakia before conquering the rest in 1939, pushing Europe ever closer to war. Finally, on September ane, 1939, Germany invaded Poland, igniting World State of war II, equally both French republic and the United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland alleged state of war against Germany to defend Poland's sovereignty.

It tin can be causeless the Second World State of war proceeded equally it did in our timeline up until mid-1940, with Deutschland successfully conquering Poland by the stop of September 1939, followed by Denmark, Norway, kingdom of the netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, and France by June 1940. However, cheers to the bump-off of Roosevelt in 1933, the USA was obviously less effective in Earth War II than historically, resulting in the defeat of United kingdom and the Soviet Union. Details of the War are relatively scarce, merely characters make reference to a number of engagements which happened both in real life and the alternate timeline; these include a Japanese surprise attack at Pearl Harbor (presumably in 1941 every bit historically); a boxing at the Badung Strait, and a campaign in the Solomon Islands (in which Smith and Kido fought on different sides). In 1942, the Us re-captured Hawaii, leading to celebrations and a sense that the tide was turning in favour of the Allies; in history, Hawaii was never captured past the Axis, suggesting that the initial Japanese offensive of 1941-2 was more than powerful than historically.

Post-obit the conquest of Britain and Russia, the Axis launching a two prong assail on both the East and West Coasts in mid-1945. Only equally in our timeline, the Reich began a nuclear weapons program in the 1940s, led past Dr. Werner Heisenberg. Withal, in this timeline, the Nazis succeeded in creating an operational atomic flop, dubbed the "Heisenberg Device", by 1945. On December 11, 1945, the Nazis deployed one of these weapons on Washington, D.C., obliterating most of the city and the American key command. With the devastation of their political and armed services leadership, the remnants of the United states of america government complanate and capitulated to the Axis. Victorious, the 2 new superpowers divided the world, including the former United States, between them.

The Greater Nazi Reich employed a policy of genocide against non-Aryan peoples, with both Jews and Black people being particular targets. By the 1960s, none are nowadays in Reich territory. The Reich teaches that this genocide is a continuation of previous American policies, for instance slavery and the genocide of American Indians. Still information technology is non honest about the extent of the exterminations - for instance, in schools children are taught that Blackness people were resettled to their 'homelands' in Africa.

In 1962, men such as Reichsminister Martin Heusmann and Oberstgruppenführer Reinhard Heydrich assassinated Adolf Hitler in an attempt to gain control for themselves, then as to get-go World War three confronting the Japanese . This, nevertheless, was uncovered past then Obergruppenführer John Smith. Reichsführer Heinrich Himmler then succeeded Hitler as the new and 2d Führer.

Political struggles followed suit. Reichsmarschall George Lincoln Rockwell, the leader of Nazi America, together with the Head of the ARBI J. Edgar Hoover, attempted to overthrow the newly promoted Oberstgruppenführer John Smith. However, Smith managed to turn Hoover to his side and overthrow Rockwell instead. Himmler reveals that he had been grooming Smith to accept over as the new Reichsmarschall and that Smith was "very close" to being arrested. Smith was subsequently promoted to Rockwell's one-time position.

Time goes on but virtually of the leadership in Berlin is still doubtful of The American Reich as it is being led past an American. Noticing that Smith's loyalty is in question, Hoover and Obergruppenführer Wilhelm Goertzmann programme to overthrow Smith past presenting show of Smith's disloyalty. Even so, Smith besides managed to turn Goertzmann to his side and both get-go to programme a coup to overthrow Himmler, Hoover and the Berlin leadership.

The insurrection was later launched and was successful, and Goertzmann is at present the de facto leader of the Nazi Reich. Even so, his bargain with Smith included that Federal republic of germany also allowed the American Reich to accept full autonomy, under the rule of John Smith, while Goertzmann himself led the remaining parts of the Reich. Goertzmann adhered to the bargain, and John Smith was at present the first Reichsführer of The American Reich.

Subsequently the death of John Smith, the possible fall of the American Reich, and the United States being restored, the fate of the Goertzmann-led Greater National Socialist Reich is unknown.




In the opening scene of Season 2, a planisphere at the dorsum of a classroom in Fritz Julius Kuhn High School is briefly shown with Nazi territories marked in red. Co-ordinate to this map, the Nazis control the entirety of the continents of Europe, Africa, as well as the Middle East and European Russia. In add-on, the Reich controls Iceland, Greenland, Islamic republic of iran, the majority of Due north America, Cardinal America and the Caribbean area islands, and sizable territories on the due east coast of S America, including Venezuela, Republic of guyana, Uruguay, Paraguay, Argentina, and the eastern half of Brazil.

Information technology is possible that Italian republic (which in the television serial is no longer independent, while in the novel the Italian Empire however exists) and the other members of the Centrality were annexed into Germany at the end of the state of war somewhat around mid 1950s, supported by the map in the opening of Flavour two, merely they are never mentioned and their fate is mostly unknown. During World War II, they all had extremely close ties to Germany, and states like Romania and Italy put enormous military and economical support into the Axis war try.

After the war, Italian republic, French republic, United Kingdom, Ireland, and other countries were peradventure made self-governing puppets, within the Greater Nazi Reich.

Flags and Emblems

The Nazi flag was designed past Hitler as his party'southward flag in 1920. It features a uncomplicated ruddy field, with a white disk, and at the center: a blackness swastika at a 45 degree angle.

The Nazi swastika is a prominent symbol in the Reich, appearing on many backdrop and ceremonious products such equally telephone booths. Soldiers (especially those of the SS) and constabulary officers article of clothing swastika armbands. Nazi officials typically article of clothing a lapel that has the swastika on it. It represents the Aryan race and the Black Sun.

Presumably, Nazi puppet regimes incorporate the swastika in their flags as well. The flag in utilize for the Nazi-controlled portion of the former United states is similar to the sometime "Stars and Stripes" flag, except the swastika now adorns the blue field in the former identify of the white stars that represented the forty-eight states.

Politics and Policies

The Nazi regime is a National Socialist, totalitarian dictatorship. There is little liberty of speech or printing. The media is regulated to promote Nazi principles and ideologies. Schools, youth groups and other educational institutions are also designed to serve this purpose amidst the immature. Possession of outlawed or "degenerate" media is met with harsh punishment. Religion is regulated, and the government appears to be atheistic, or has adopted a racialized class of Germanic Paganism. In our earth, while the Nazis never fabricated whatsoever official public condemnation of religion, it was a long term goal to eventually subsume all religions (particularly Christianity) and supercede them with a National Socialist ideal, which took its roots from a quasi-Germanic Heathen standpoint.

National Socialist credo combined racial hygiene (racial purity), Anti-Semitism, eugenics, and Pan-Germanism with the goal of creating a German hegemony over the world. Racism, especially Anti-Semitism, was a core colonnade of the regime. The Nazis promoted what they called the "Aryan Race" or "Master Race", which was an platonic superior human being, identified past light eyes, low-cal pilus, lite skin and a tall stature. These people were descendants of Scandinavia (Swedes, Danes, etc.) and Western Europe (Germans, Dutch, British, etc.) Southern Europeans (Castilian, Italians, Greeks, etc.), while not heavily discriminated confronting, are still viewed as inferior to Aryans. Untermenschen (sub-humans) included Slavs, Romani, Africans, and particularly Jews. Virtually of these peoples were non considered worthy of life and were simply meant to be dominated, segregated, enslaved, or exterminated.

Asiatic peoples rested somewhere in between these groups but were still considered junior to Aryans. The Japanese appear to have escaped this classification, at least past Hitler, who bestowed the title of, "Honorary Aryan" to the entire Japanese people (most likely to appease his powerful allies). Many other high-ranking Nazis, however, do not share this sentiment.

Chillingly, the Nazis take (very likely) all but completed their "Last Solution" in their territories, leaving ethnic groups such equally Jews, Slavs, and Romani nearly extinct. So far all scenes in Nazi-controlled America do not point that any not-white, non-Aryan people (salvage for the Japanese) reside there at all. Other peoples deemed unworthy of life by the Nazis included the mentally and physically disabled, homosexuals, and "social misfits."

Economics and Engineering

The Reichsmark or "Mark" is the currency of the Greater Reich.

The economy of the Reich appears to be prosperous and technologically avant-garde. Information technology is the leader of technological development in the world equally evidenced by its advanced jet shipping, monorails, rocket transportation and modernistic automatic firearms such as the G3 battle rifle and the MP5 Sub-Machine Gun (that announced to predate in this world their development in our own. Withal, throughout the serial; WWII-vintage German pocket-size arms like the Mauser Kar98K commodities-action rifle and the MP40 Sub-Machine Gun were yet used past


GNR soldiers and SS officers in The American Reich and, quite maybe; the Wehrmacht in the rest of the Reich. At that place is a possibility that aristocracy units of the SS are armed with the G3 and the MP5 while regular German forces still apply the Mauser Kar98K and the MP40, and the fact that it is in sole possession of a nuclear arsenal.

This technological evolution has some ground in real life, as Nazi Federal republic of germany were pioneers in a number of fields such as rocket science and jet technology. The Nazis also adult the outset attack rifle and relay calculator.

A scene in The Human In The High Castle shows the Nazis using LSD (developed in our world by a Swiss scientist in 1938 and further researched by the CIA in the 1950's) as an interrogation drug, although it is unsuccessful.

The GNR besides carries out various experimental and unethical inquiry via the Ahnenerbe Found, led by Dr. Josef Mengele. 1 of the Institute's near important projects is Die Nebenwelt, a device intended to create portals to alternating universes then that the Reich can invade and conquer them.

The Reichsmark or Marking is currency of the Reich. Information technology was originally introduced in 1924 as a permanent replacement for the Papiermark. This was necessary due to the 1920s High german aggrandizement which had reached its peak in 1923.

Notes & Trivia

  • Always since Earth War II ended, The Greater Nazi Reich had ii putsches, one by Martin Heusmann and another by Wilhelm Goertzmann.
    • Information technology is possible that Wilhelm Goertzmann may have been inspired past Martin Heusmann's coup d'état and Heinrich Himmler'southward rise to ability, which perchance led to Goertzmann'southward putsch against Himmler and his Nazi loyalists.
    • Assuming the rise of Nazi Germany in this world is similar to its ascension in ours, the seeds from which the Reich would grow were sown with the end of World War one and the Treaty of Versailles, on June 28, 1919. Being the primary belligerent of the losing side, Germany suffered harsh and humiliating terms, including crippling war reparations, virtually complete disarmament, numerous territorial concessions, and access of guilt for causing the war.

Divergences with Our World

  • Field Marshal Erwin Rommel is still alive as of 1962 and is mentioned equally an "old war hero", having served as the first Reichsmarschall of Due north America. In our earth, Rommel died in 1944, forced to commit suicide after he was implicated in a plot to assassinate Hitler. The cover story for this was that Rommel succumbed to injuries in a failed Allied assassination attempt. Rommel was among few Axis commanders, others included Isoroku Yamamoto and Reinhard Heydrich, who were straight targeted for assassination by Allied planners.
  • Reinhard Heydrich, portrayed by Ray Proscia, is notwithstanding alive 20 years after his real life decease. Heydrich was a particularly brutal figure amidst the Nazi aristocracy, Hitler even referred to him as the "man with the iron heart". Around 75% of the deaths in the Holocaust tin can be attributed directly to Heydrich. In The Man In The Loftier Castle, Heydrich was tasked with the subjugation of Africa afterward the war was won, it can be presumed the results were horrifying. When Heydrich invited John Smith to go on a hunting trip in Northern New York, he was afraid for his family, and gave his wife Helen Smith a gun while he was away, with the understanding that if he didn't come back and Heydrich approached his family that Helen was to shoot her children and herself equally prevention of Heydrich'due south intentions.
  • JFK International Drome in New York is called "Lincoln Rockwell International Airport". In our world, George Lincoln Rockwell was the founder of the American Nazi Political party.
  • Werner Heisenberg, presumably under the High german nuclear weapon project (German: Uranprojekt), developed the diminutive bomb which the Nazis utilise to end the war in the United States. In our world, Heisenberg is virtually well known for developing Quantum Theory and the Doubtfulness Principle. While Heisenberg was a member of the German nuclear program, he was not 1 of its greater contributors.


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